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Culhwch & Olwen


Macsen Wledig

Lludd & Llefelys



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Culhwch and Olwen

part 14

All that day they journeyed until the evening, and then they beheld a vast castle, which was the largest in the world. And lo, a black man, huger than three of the men of this world, came out from the castle.
And they spoke unto him, "Whence comest thou, O man?"
  "From the castle which you see yonder."
  "Whose castle is that?" asked they.
  "Stupid are ye truly, O men. There is no one in the world that does not know to whom this castle belongs. It is the castle of Gwrnach the Giant."
  "What treatment is there for guests and strangers that alight in that castle?"
  "Oh! Chieftain, Heaven protect thee. No guest ever returned thence alive, and no one may enter therein unless he brings with him his craft."

Then they proceeded towards the gate. Said Gwrhyr Gwalstawd Ieithoedd, "Is there a porter?"
  "There is. And thou, if thy tongue be not mute in thy head, wherefore dost thou call?"
  "Open the gate."
  "I will not open it."
  "Wherefore wilt thou not?"
  "The knife is in the meat, and the drink is in the horn, and there is revelry in the hall of Gwrnach the Giant, and except for a craftsman who brings his craft, the gate will not be opened to-night."
  "Verily, porter," then said Kai, "my craft bring I with me."
  "What is thy craft?"
  "The best burnisher of swords am I in the world."
  "I will go and tell this unto Gwrnach the Giant, and I will bring thee an answer."

So the porter went in, and Gwrnach said to him, "Hast thou any news from the gate?"
  "I have. There is a party at the door of the gate who desire to come in."
  "Didst thou inquire of them if they possessed any art?"
  "I did inquire," said he, "and one told me that he was well skilled in the burnishing of swords."
  "We have need of him then. For some time have I sought for some one to polish my sword, and could find no one. Let this man enter, since he brings with him his craft."
The porter thereupon returned and opened the gate. And Kai went in by himself, and he saluted Gwrnach the Giant. And a chair was placed for him opposite to Gwrnach.

And Gwrnach said to him, "Oh man! is it true that is reported of thee that thou knowest how to burnish swords?"
  "I know full well how to do so," answered Kai.
Then was the sword of Gwrnach brought to him. And Kai took a blue whetstone from under his arm, and asked him whether he would have it burnished white or blue.
  "Do with it as it seems good to thee, and as though wouldest if it were thine own."
Then Kai polished one half of the blade and put it in his hand.
  "Will this please thee?" asked he.
  "I would rather than all that is in my dominions that the whole of it were like unto this. It is a marvel to me that such a man as thou should be without a companion."
  "Oh! noble sir, I have a companion, albeit he is not skilled in this art."
  "Who may he be?"
  "Let the porter go forth and I will tell him whereby he may know him. The head of his lance will leave its shaft, and draw blood from the wind, and will descend upon its shaft again."
Then the gate was opened, and Bedwyr entered.
And Kai said, "Bedwyr is very skilful, although he knows not this art."

To part 15

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