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Geraint, son of Erbin

part 22

And he gave her a box in the ear. Thereupon she raised a loud and piercing shriek, and her lamentations were much greater than they had been before, for she considered in her mind that had Geraint been alive, he durst not have struck her thus. But, behold, at the sound of her cry, Geraint revived from his swoon, and he sat up on the bier, and finding his sword in the hollow of his shield, he rushed to the place where the Earl was, and struck him a fiercely-wounding, severely-venomous, and sternly-smiting blow upon the crown of his head, so that he clove him in twain, until his sword was stayed by the table Then all left the board, and fled away. And this was not so much through fear of the living as through the dread they felt at seeing the dead man rise up to slay them. And Geraint looked upon Enid, and he was grieved for two causes; one was, to see that Enid had lost her colour and her wonted aspect; and the other, to know that she was in the right.
  "Lady," said he, "knowest thou where our horses are?"
  "I know, Lord, where thy horse is," she replied, "but I know not where is the other. Thy horse is in the house yonder."
So he went to the house, and brought forth his horse, and mounted him, and took up Enid from the ground and placed her upon the horse with him.

And he rode forward. And their road lay between two hedges. And the night was gaining on the day. And lo! they saw behind them the shafts of spears betwixt them and the sky, and they heard the trampling of horses, and the noise of a host approaching.
  "I hear something following us," said he, "and I will put thee on the other side of the hedge."
And thus he did. And thereupon, behold, a knight pricked towards him, and couched his lance. When Enid saw this, she cried out, saying, "Oh! chieftain, whoever thou art, what renown wilt thou gain by slaying a dead man?"
  "Oh! Heaven," said he, "is it Geraint?"
  "Yes, in truth," said she.
  "And who art thou?"
  "I am the Little King," he answered, "coming to thy assistance, for I heard that thou wast in trouble. And if thou hadst followed my advice, none of these hardships would have befallen thee."
  "Nothing can happen," said Geraint, "without the will of Heaven, though much good results from counsel."
  "Yes," said the Little King, "and I know good counsel for thee now. Come with me to the court of a son-in-law of my sister, which is near here, and thou shalt have the best medical assistance in the kingdom."
  "I will do so gladly," said Geraint.
And Enid was placed upon the horse of one of the Little King's squires, and they went forward to the Baron's palace. And they were received there with gladness, and they met with hospitality and attention. And the next morning they went to seek physicians and it was not long before they came, and they attended Geraint until he was perfectly well. And while Geraint was under medical care, the Little King caused his armour to be repaired, until it was as good as it had ever been. And they remained there a fortnight and a month.

Then the Little King said to Geraint, "Now will we go towards my own Court, to take rest, and amuse ourselves."
  "Not so," said Geraint, "we will first journey for one day more, and return again."
  "With all my heart," said the Little King, "do thou go then."
And early in the day they set forth. And more gladly and more joyfully did Enid journey with them that day than she had ever done. And they came to the main road. And, when they reached a place where the road divided in two, they behold a man on foot coming towards them along one of these roads, and Gwiffert asked the man whence he came.
  "I come," said he, " from an errand in the country."
  "Tell me," said Geraint, "which is the best for me to follow of these two roads?"
  "That is the best for thee to follow," answered he, "for if thou goest by this one, thou wilt never return. Below us," said he, " there is a hedge of mist, and within it are enchanted games, and no one who has gone there has ever returned. And the Court of the Earl Owain is there, and he permits no one to go to lodge in the town, except he will go to his Court."
  "I declare to Heaven," said Geraint, "that we will take the lower road."
And they went along it until they came to the town. And they took the fairest and pleasantest place in the town for their lodging. And while they were thus, behold, a young man came to them, and greeted them.
  "Heaven be propitious to thee," said they.
  "Good Sirs," said he, "what preparations are you making here?"
  "We are taking up our lodging," said they, "to pass the night."
  "It is not the custom with him who owns the town," he answered, "to permit any of gentle birth, unless they come to stay in his Court, to abide here; therefore, come ye to the Court."
  "We will come, gladly," said Geraint. And they went with the page, and they were joyfully received.

To part 23

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