Geraint, son of Erbin
part 8
Then they all entered the hall, and they washed, and went, and sat down to meat. And thus were they seated. On one side of Geraint sat the young Earl, and Earl Ynywl beyond him; and on the other side of Geraint were the maiden and her mother, And after these all sat according to their precedence in honour. And they ate. And they were served abundantly, and they received a profusion of divers kind of gifts. Then they conversed together. And the young Earl invited Geraint to visit him next day.
"I will not, by Heaven," said Geraint. "To the Court of Arthur will I go with this maiden to-morrow. And it is enough for me, as long as Earl Ynywl is in poverty and trouble; and I go chiefly to seek to add to his maintenance."
"Ah, chieftain," said the young Earl. "it is not by my fault that Earl Ynywl is without his possessions."
"By my faith," said Geraint, "he shall not remain without them, unless death quickly takes me hence."
"Oh, chieftain," said he, "with regard to the disagreement between me and Ynywl, I will gladly abide by thy counsel, and agree to what thou mayest judge right between us."
"I but ask thee," said Geraint, "to restore to him what is his, and what he should have received from the time he lost his possessions, even until this day."
"That I will do gladly, for thee," answered he.
"Then," said Geraint, "whosoever is here who owes homage to Ynywl, let him come forward, and perform it on the spot."
And all the men did so. And by that treaty they abided. And his castle, and his town, and all his possessions, were restored to Ynywl. And he received back all that he had lost, even to the smallest jewel.
Then spoke Earl Ynywl to Geraint.
"Chieftain," said he, "behold the maiden for whom thou didst challenge at the tournament, I bestow her upon thee."
"She shall go with me," said Geraint, "to the Court of Arthur; and Arthur and Gwenhwyvar they shall dispose of her as they will."
And the next day they proceeded to Arthur's Court. So far concerning Geraint.
Now, this is how Arthur hunted the stag. The men and the dogs were divided into hunting parties, and the dogs were let loose upon the stag. And the last dog that was let loose was the favourite dog of Arthur. Cavall was his name. And he left all the other dogs behind him, and turned the stag. And at the second turn, the stag came towards the hunting party of Arthur. And Arthur set upon him. And before he could be slain by any other, Arthur cut off his head. Then they sounded the death horn for slaying, and they all
gathered round.
Then came Kadyriaith to Arthur, and spoke to him.
"Lord," said he, "behold, yonder is Gwenhwyvar, and none with her save only one maiden."
"Command Gildas the son of Caw, and all the scholars of the Court," said Arthur, "to attend Gwenhwyvar to the palace."
And they did so.
Then they all set forth holding converse together concerning the head of the stag, to whom it should be given. One wished that it should be given to the lady best beloved by him, and another to the lady whom he loved best. And all they of the household, and the knights, disputed sharply concerning the head. And with that they came to the palace. And when Arthur and Gwenhwyvar heard them disputing about the head of the stag, Gwenhwyvar said to Arthur, "My lord, this is my counsel concerning the stag's head; let it not be given away until Geraint the son of Erbin return from the errand he is upon."
And Gwenhwyvar told Arthur what that errand was.
"Right gladly shall it be so," said Arthur.
And thus it was settled. And the next day Gwenhwyvar caused a watch to be set upon the ramparts for Geraint's coming. And after mid-day they beheld an unshapely little man upon a horse, and after him, as they supposed, a dame or a damsel, also on horseback, and after her a knight of large stature, bowed down, and hanging his head low and sorrowfully, and clad in broken and worthless armour.
And before they came near to the gate, one of the watch went to Gwenhwyvar, and told her what kind of people they saw, and what aspect they bore.
"I know not who they are," said he.
"But I know," said Gwenhwyvar; "this is the knight whom Geraint pursued, and methinks that he comes not here by his own free will. But Geraint has overtaken him, and avenged the insult to the maiden to the uttermost."
And thereupon, behold a porter came to the spot where Gwenhwyvar was.
"Lady," said he, "at the gate there is a knight, and I saw never a man of so pitiful an aspect to look upon as he. Miserable and broken is the armour that he wears, and the hue of blood is more conspicuous upon it than its own colour."
"Knowest thou his name?" said she.
"I do," said he; "he tells me that he is Edeyrn the Son of Nudd."
Then she replied, "I know him not."