Legends in Films
Missgien's Malta Experience
Guy Forsyth Band |
Missgien's Malta Experience
The City of Valletta
During the first three years of WOII Malta was under siege by the Germans for its tactical location in the Mediterranean between Europe and Northern Africa. They lasted and kept the island, although many died of starvation and attacks. This monument is a memorial for them. |
 Valletta is built on a hill and about half of the roads are steps, either completely or just the sitewalks. On the left are the steps of Triq San Ursula (Saint Ursula Street), at the back of British Hotel. One of these nice balconies belongs to our hotelroom. |
The inner garden of the Grand Master's Pallace: The Neptune Courtyard. The Grand Masters were the elected leaders of the Order of Saint John. This Pallace was the first part of Valletta being built in 1565 after the great siege of the Turks. Valletta was to be the first city on earth that was completely designed on the drawing table. |
 "Prince Alfred Court", next to the Neptune Courtyard is a highly decorated place with trees and this fountain. Also in Prince Alfred's Court are the lions, on the right. |