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Geraint, son of Erbin

part 21

She was sad when he ordered her to do thus, but nevertheless she went to the damsel, whom it was ruth to hear, and she felt certain that Geraint would never return. Meanwhile Geraint followed the giants, and overtook them. And each of them was greater of stature than three other men, and a huge club was on the shoulder of each. Then he rushed upon one of them, and thrust his lance through his body. And having drawn it forth again, he pierced another of them through likewise. But the third turned upon him, and struck him with his club, so that he split his shield, and crushed his shoulder, and opened his wounds anew, and all his blood began to flow from him. But Geraint drew his sword, and attacked the giant, and gave him a blow on the crown of his head so severe, and fierce, and violent, that his head and his neck were split down to his shoulders, and he fell dead. So Geraint left him thus, and returned to Enid. And when he saw her, he fell down lifeless from his horse. Piercing, and loud, and thrilling was the cry that Enid uttered. And she came and stood over him where he had fallen.

And at the sound of her cries came the Earl of Limours, and the host that journeyed with him, whom her lamentations brought out of their road.
And the Earl said to Enid, "Alas, Lady, what hath befallen thee?"
  "Ah! Good Sir," said she, "the only man I have loved, or ever shall love, is slain."
Then he said to the other, "And what is the cause of thy grief?"
  "They have slain my beloved husband also," said she.
  "And who was it that slew them?"
  "Some giants," she answered, "slew my best-beloved, and the other knight went in pursuit of them, and came back in the state thou seest, his blood flowing excessively; but it appears to me that he did not leave the giants without killing some of them, if not all."
The Earl caused the knight that was dead to be buried, but he thought that there still remained some life in Geraint; and to see if he yet would live, he had him carried with him in the hollow of his shield, and upon a bier. And the two damsels went to the Court; and when they arrived there, Geraint was placed upon a litter-couch in front of the table that was in the hall. Then they all took off their travelling gear, and the Earl besought Enid to do the same, and to clothe herself in other garments.
  "I will not, by Heaven," said she.
  "Ah! Lady," said he, "be not so sorrowful for this matter."
  "It were hard to persuade me to be otherwise," said she.
  "I will act towards thee in such wise, that thou needest not be sorrowful, whether yonder knight live or die. Behold, a good Earldom, together with myself, will I bestow on thee; be, therefore, happy and joyful."
  "I declare to Heaven," said she, "that henceforth I shall never be joyful while I live."
  "Come, then," said he, "and eat."
  "No, by Heaven, I will not," she answered.
  "But, by Heaven, thou shalt," said he.
So he took her with him to the table against her will, and many times desired her to eat.
  "I call Heaven to witness," said she, "that I will not eat until the man that is upon yonder bier shall eat likewise."
  "Thou caust not fulfil that," said the Earl, "yonder man is dead already."
"I will prove that I can," said she.
Then he offered her a goblet of liquor.
  "Drink this goblet," he said, "and it will cause thee to change thy mind."
  "Evil betide me," she answered, "if I drink aught until he drink also."
  "Truly," said the Earl, "it is of no more avail for me to be gentle with thee than ungentle."

To part 22

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