final part
"The Almighty made, down the Hebron vale,
With his plastic hands, Adam's fair form:
And five hundred years, void of any help,
There he remained and lay without a soul.
He again did form, in calm paradise,
Froma left-side rib, bliss-throbbing Eve.
Seven hours they were the orchard keeping,
Till Satan brought strife, with wiles from hell.
Thence were they driven, cold and shivering,
To gain their living, into this world.
To bring forth with pain their sons and daughters,
To have possession of Asia’s land.
Twice five, ten and eight, she was self-bearing,
The mixed burden of man-woman.
And once, not hidden, she brought forth Abel,
And Cain the forlorn, the homicide.
To him and his mate was given a spade,
To break up the soil, thus to get bread.
The wheat pure and white, summer tilth to sow,
Every man to feed, till great yule feast.
An angelic hand from the high Father,
Brought seed for growing that Eve might sow;
But she then did hide of the gift a tenth,
And all did not sow of what was dug.
Black rye then was found, and not pure wheat grain,
To show the mischief thus of thieving.
For this thievish act, it is requisite,
That all men should pay tithe unto God.
Of the ruddy wine, planted on sunny days,
And on new-moon nights; and the white wine.
The wheat rich in grain and red flowing wine
Christ's pure body make, son of Alpha.
The wafer is flesh, the wine is spilt blood,
The Trinity's words sanctify them.
The concealed books from Emmanuel's hand
Were brought by Raphael as Adam’s gift,
When in his old age, to his chin immersed
In Jordan's water, keeping a fast,
Moses did obtain, in Jordan's water,
The aid of the three most special rods.
Solomon did obtain in Babel’s tower,
All the sciences in Asia land.
So did I obtain, in my bardic books,
All the sciences of Europe and Africa.
Their course, their bearing, their permitted way,
And their fate I know, unto the end.
Oh! what misery, through extreme of woe,
Prophecy will show on Troia’s race!
A coiling serpent proud and merciless,
On her golden wings, from Germany.
She will overrun England and Scotland,
From Lychlyn seashore to the Severn.
Then will the Brython be as prisoners,
By strangers swayed, from Saxony.
Their Lord they will praise, their speech they will keep,
Their land they will lose, except wild Walia.
Till some change shall come, after long penance,
When equally rife the two crimes come.
Britons then shall have their land and their crown,
And the stranger swarm shall disappear.
All the angel's words, as to peace and war,
Will be fulfilled to Britain's race."
He further told the king various prophecies of things that should be in the world.