Faith Index
Mother Goddess
The Modern Gaia Theory
Gaia is the Greek Mother Earth, an ancient primeval goddess or protogenos who emerged at the creation of the universe, second only to Khaos (Air). She was depicted as a buxom, matronly woman, shown half risen from the earth, unable to completely separate herself from her element.
The Earth, in the ancient cosmology, was a disk surrounded by the river Okeanos. It was called the foundation of all, because not only trees, men, and animals, but even the hills, sea and the solid dome of the sky were supported by it.
Gaia emerged from the Primal Chaos (Khaos).
She created heaven (Uranus) by spontaneous creativity, at the same time as high mountains and the sea. Together with Uranus, so heaven and earth together, she has other children.
Uranus tried to keep these children from Gaia's womb because of a prediction that he would be thrown of throne by one of his children. This titan marriage was the beginning of rivers, woods, sun, moon and stars: the ordened cosmos. Everything that belongs to this is ordened and divine. Note how this resembles the story of Genesis: coming from choas and creating order.
The titan Chronos (time), also known as Kronos (crow) mutilated Uranus: Chronos took his genitals and cut them with a knife of flint. Both the flint and the genitals were thrown in the sea. From the blood on the earth the Gigants and Erinyen emurged.
Gaia's story is -on points- similar to the Sumerian story of Ki (earth) and An (heaven). Gaia was worshipped by the Greeks on the 10th day of the month of the moon: Elaphabolion (March 26th).