Faith Index
Mother Goddess
The Modern Gaia Theory



Ever since I was a little girl I was fascinated by the moon and by nature. How was it possible that everything just kept going on? I was raised in the christian tradition, like the most of the western youth, and anything that looked just a little bit off balance with the faith, was rejected.
I was grown up with the idea that the witches worshipped Satan. That was about it. I did not realize that Satan is a Christian concept, that witches do not have something that even resembles Satan. I never even knew that Witchcraft was for real, or that there was a religion called "Wicca".
Still, I never felt really comfortable with the faith I grew up with. Only a couple of years I realized to myself that I am a pagan: an ecclectic witch. My connection with nature, my fight for the environment: it suddenly fell in place.

In this section, which will grow in time, I will try to give as much information about my faith as possible. I might even make a Dutch part, so that my own countrymen can easily read about Wicca. Wicca is not as commonplace here as it is in, for example, the US: it is not an officially recognized a religion.