Faith Index
Mother Goddess
The Modern Gaia Theory
Also known as Nut; an Egyptian heavengoddess. She is responsable for rebirth and her husband was the earth called Geb. Her children were Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephtys. She is associated with a pig and a heavenly cow.
Together with her family, Nut was part of the enneade of Heliopolis, the nine gods who form the cosmic elements which are the base of the beginning of the world. This is a rather late creation myth. The sun god Aton (aka Ra or Atum) is at the top. He fathered Tefnoet and Shoe who were Nut and Geb's parents Nut, heaven, was the daughter of the airgod Shoe and the goddess of dampness or damp air, Tefnet.
Sometimes she is called the daughter of Ra, although she also is the Sungod's mother. She was married to her brother, the earth god. At their birth they were joined but on request of Nut's son Ra they were separated by Shoe, the airgod, their father. Nut was elevated, so the sun could travel along the sky.
This myth in which earth and sky are married and become separated, is known all over the world in variations. Gaia and Uranus were separated through a fight on life and death because Uranus wanted to prevent that Gaia's children would leave her womb.
Papa, the goddes of the Maori, and the heaven Rangi were also so close in their love that their children could not be born.
Thanks to the separation the heavenly bodies could be born and take their place at the celestial sky. In an alternative version Ra wanted to accomplish that in no month of the year children could be born. The god Toth however, won a small piece of the light of the moon and gave 5 days at the end of the year which do not belong to any month. In Egypt these days were on August 24-28 and celebrations were for Noet. In these days Osiris (the green or green valley), Horus (the eldest), Set (the dry dessert), Isis and Nephtys were born. The sun and moon are sometimes called her children, sometimes even her eyes.
The Greeks would say Noet is Rhea. The mythology of Rhea and Gaia is mainly the same as that of Noet, Geb and Ra. The genders of heaven and earth have switched, although the names are similar: Gaia-Ge-Geb are earthgods and Noet-Uranus are the skygods. These names are also to be found in the Sumeric Ki and An or Anu.
Noet, as well als Hathor, are shown with a head of a cow. Sometimes she is presented as a personification of the heavens: standing on hands and feet, bent over her husband -the earht Geb. Her arms and legs are the four columns on which the heavens rest.As a goddess of heaven, her body is often painted blue and decorated with stars. The hieroglyf for the word heaven is an abstract view to the body of Noet.