Faith Index
Mother Goddess
The Modern Gaia Theory
Pre-Vedic Savior Goddess, known from India to Ireland. Indo-European primal Goddess Earth. An extremely ancient festival held annually at Athens was named after Her, Taramata (Mother Tara) nicknamed The Rioting because of its wild orgiastic customs. The sacred grove of Tara in Ireland was the Goddess’s genital shrine. In India, Tara is called The Most Revered of the old pre-vedic Goddesses. Wine is sacred to her.
Goddess of Compassion, The Diamond Sow. Diamonds are her sacred stone. Tibetan Buddhist Great Mother.
She is a Boddhisattva, an enlightened One who has vowed to incarnate until all beings have attained enlightenment. She also vowed to incarnate only as a female. She governs the Underworld, the Earth and the Heavens, birth, death and regeneration, love and war, the seasons, all that lives and grows, the Moon cycles.
Green Tara is her Nature-related aspect. Typically She is seen as a slender and beautiful woman of white complexion, long golden hair and blue eyes. She can also appear as red, black or dark blue. Her animals are the sow, mare, owl and raven. Goddess of spiritual transformation. When worshiping Tara, recognize all you see as her body, made of green light, all you hear is her divine speech, and all your thoughts as her divine wisdom. Every molecule of air is her divine energy and when you lie down, your head rests in her lap.