Name: Loaddog
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I watched Part 1 of a TNT mini-series last night on Morgaine and the Mists of Avalon (Called Mists of Avalon). Pretty cool. I came here to get some additional information!
I knew a woman serveral years ago that named herself Morghaine after this story. I should have listened to her when she recommended the story/book!
Name: Carmela
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I like your site. I'd love to ve with you. Please visit my site & email me if you want to ve. My email address can be found on my site.
thank-you & have a good day! :)
Name: ~*~ Nytngale ~*~
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You've got a great site here!!
Very informative and I love the layout of your site!! Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I enjoyed my visit!
~*~ Nytngale ~*~
Name: Joost
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Beste Gien,
Allereerst moet ik je een compliment geven voor de site die je hebt gemaakt over Morgaine; deze is niet alleen mooi qua lay-out, maar ook zeer overzichtelijk.
De hoofdpersonages uit de arthuriaanse legende worden bondig doch duidelijk voorgesteld vanuit het perspectief van Morgan le Fay, wat op zich origineel is en de familiebanden
Zelf was ik op zoek naar een goede inleiding voor de avonturenfilm 'Merlin' en daarbij stuitte ik op je site. Aangezien ik de film nog niet heb kunnen bekijken, weet ik niet wie Taliesins
vrouw was. Op de website vond ik dit ook niet terug, dus stel ik bij deze de vraag: wie was de moeder van Igraine, Morgause en Vivian (en Taliesins echtgenote)?
Alvast bedankt voor je antwoord en 'keep up the good work',
Groetjes Joost.
Name: Guusje
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Ik werd door iemand 'getipt' over je site.
Sinds kort run ik een weblog en diegene vond dat je site daar enigzins op aansloot, en gelijk had ze!!
Ik schrijf over steencirkels, vikingen en kelten, live roleplay, heksen en andere wazige dingen.Ik las je 'about' en in sommige opzichten lijken we wel op elkaar. Ik houd ook van een lekker jointje op zijn tijd, alleen ik heb geen bad (damn ;-)
Geen auto, goede muziek, fantasy-films, gek op computers en wil eigenlijk eind van het jaar een soortgelijke job als jij op het oog hebt
Laten we zeggen dat ik me meteen enigzins met je verbonden voelde
Bij deze dus komplimenten voor je site, enne.......vanavond staat hij gelogd op de mijne
Groetjes !
Name: Joan Goodwin
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I found all the information very interesting and helpful. My son, Callum, is doing a school project on Picts and Celts. Thank you very much!
Name: Starlight MoonFlower
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Just here to wish you the very best in the Site Wars and keep that Avalon spirit!
Name: Gylion
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Hi There..I'm Star Seeker Gylion from Avalon Mists at the Site Wars. I was just looking over your site and I think that you might really do well over at our web competition called The Site Wars. There are so many wonderful things you can do, like adopt Dragons and other little cute creatures for your pages, and most of all, meet a lot of really great people from all over the world!
If you're interested, you can find the Site Wars by going to the following url http//
My particular team is called the Avalon Mists. You can take a look at my team at the following url: http//
Come on out and take a look around... we can't wait to meet ya!
Name: Anton J.C. Lemmers
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I'm a painter and sculptor in Holland. Most of my work is related to Celtic history with Ireland as the main influence. Cuchulainn is
my favorite hero. Thanks for the information and I'm enjoying to visit this Celtic site
Name: Shaina Morgaine Norvell
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I like your website very much.
I am into Arthurian legend, and I found this site very informative. My mother named me Morgaine, after the main character in Marion Zimmer Bradley's book The Mists of Avalon (which happens to be my all-time favorite book).
Anyway, you sound very interesting, and you sound like someone I'd hang out with.
Good luck to you in future!
Shaina Morgaine Norvell
Name: Steve Wilkes |
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I am very impressed with your site. I found it very well
designed and easy to navigate.
From a research point of view, I was intrigued to find the spiral design present here as well, as it is at Bryn Celli Ddu (in Wales), Newgrange and many other megalithic sites.
It is thought that the spiral represents 3 months (since it is the shape drawn by the shadow of the suns movements in that time). So the double spiral represents two months (as here) and the treble spiral 9 months (as at Newgrange), or the time taken from conception to birth.
If you know of any other sites with spirals, please let me know.
Name: Babette
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URL: http// |
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Ha Gien,
Dank je voor je groeten (via frank). Ben je alweer online?
Ik heb een linkje naar opgenomen op mijn site.
Groeten terug!
Name: C. Dolezal
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Thank you for you work on this informative site. I enjoyed my visit very much. I am happily surprised at all the enthusiasm surrounding the "mists of Avalon".