Faith Index
Mother Goddess
The Modern Gaia Theory
Great Mother Goddess in the Norse tradition. Leader of the primal matriarchs called Afliae, Powerful Ones or D’sir, Divine Grandmothers.
Great Goddess of northern Europe. Leader of the primal matriarchs called Afliae, Powerful Ones or D’sir, Divine Grandmothers.
She is the Norse Goddess of Love and Beauty. A rainbow was Her jeweled necklace. She rode a chariot drawn by cats. Sometimes depicted as the Sow, Mistress of the gods. She is the Chief Valkyrie in Her falcon cloak. Ruler of death, She chose from the dead spread across battlefields, taking them to Her palace Sessrumnir, meaning "rich in seats". In time they might be born once more through the nurturance of the moist Earth, another aspect of Freya. She was also a helpful deity to women in labor. Hopeful lovers worshipped Her. Goddess of sexuality and making magic with love prayers. Amber is her gem. She traveled throughout the heaven either in a chariot with a retinue of cats or on the golden boar, Hildeswin. The runes of Her sword signify power, fertility, and birth.
Norse legend tells of Freya, whose chariot was pulled by two black cats. Some versions of the tale claim they became swift black horses, possessed by the Devil. After serving Freya for 7 years, the cats were rewarded by being turned into witches, disguised as black cats. The cats also played around her ankles as a symbol of her domesticity.
Queen of the Valkyries Tara