Faith Index
Mother Goddess
The Modern Gaia Theory
West African Mother Goddess, sometimes presenting herself in the form of a bull, she is worshipped by the Yoruba, she probably also is the goddess of the rainbow. Further on the goddess of Dance. She was born the daughter of the water goddess Yemanya. Oya made the first element from which the univers exists. She is one fo hte three river goddesses, who give a name to a river. She personificates the river Niger, the others are Oshun and Oba.
Her brother and husband was the god Sjango, who she offered the ruling of thunder and lightning. He once saw her at the river changing into a bull, and she married him to keep him from telling her secret, which he did eventually when he was fed drunk by other women. He hardly escaped death.
As the Good Mother, Oya carries a dubble axe on her head. This is the attribure of Sjango, from whom she stole the secret of storms. With the coming of christianity Oya, Oshun and Oba were maid Saints. During the time of slavery, her cult was transported to the Americas where she later was worshipped as the goddess of the rainbow Olla in Cuba en Puerto Rico. In Cuba she also is the Virgin Mary.
In Brazil she is called Yansa of Yansan, and she was also made a Saint by the name of Barbara. Her holy day is on Wednesday. Barbara also holds aspects of Oyas husband and she is the protector of warriors. In the Haiti Voodoo cult she is known as Maman Brigette or Damballah.