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magna mater
magna mater-myth
The Myth of Magna Mater
A creation myth
In the early days of awakening, force of creation brought Great Mother for a time to walk the surface of the earth with the people. She was to teach, for the people were a children then: ignorant of the ways. But they had been made ready to learn. Great Mother walked in the body of a huge woman, as tall as the tallest tree, and she would eat nothing save broad beans and honey, from which she took enormous strength. She taught the people many things and the earth became as a garden with abundance and more.
There was a man among the people who caught the fancy of the Great Mother in her woman's body and earthly ways. She would take him unto herself but she saw that he was too small and she was too large. And so Great Mother fed him broad beans and honey, from which he took enormous strength, and the man grew to a size to please her.
Great Mother came to be with child and she bore that child, who was Demya. With the child resting in a sack from her shoulder and swaying in time with the movement of her body, Great Mother took huge stones from the earth and placed them in the form of a temple. She taught the people to have reverence for these sacred places which she made.
But the man became angry. Great Mother had more time for building than for him. He went to lie with other woman of the people but was too large and they were far too small. In his rage the man brought forth al his strength and pushed down the temples of Great Mother. Sacred stones fell with thunder and with dus and buried the baby Demya, who lay asleep within.
When he came to know what he had done, the man was driven to madness. Enraged and blinded by his shame, he cast himself into the sky where his fury burned as the sun.
Great Mother retreated to the caves in her grief. When she had wept enough to fill the sea with her tears, she told the people that she would destroy the man because he had killed her child. The people begged her to forgive him because he was only a simple man, made large and strong by broad beans and honey.
Great Mother told the people that she could no longer endure the burning in the sky, but would give up her woman's body eand return to the earth's darkness. She would forgive the man the horror he had done, but she could not prevent the things whiche Force of Creation had set to happen. From that day, there would come seasons upon the earth when no green things would grow. She cautioned the people that a time would someday come when stone would turn to liquid and then harder than stone, to bring forth blood from woman and man alike... an evil time when man would rise against woman and woman against man... when the ways would be lost forever. The people did not understand and they were very affraid.
Great Mother loved the people and she took pity on them. She told them that they would be the keepers, and that they must rebuild the temples and remember what she had taught them. If they did these things, then, when the fearful time came, she would send the child, Demya, to be born again and to walk among them and tot guide them.
Even so, Demya might walk on none but the stones of the sacred island, and in no other place.
And if it was the will of the Force of Creation, there might then come another time of peace and balance... in a time, for a time.
