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About Missgien
About This Site
Making this site was quite an adventure. For the first time I decided to make a real design, use multiple JavaScript and even get a logo. I did have some help, here and there. And I think these people should have the credit they deserve. Here goes:
Geert |
My love, my greatest supporter, my everything. Always supporting me with constructive criticism and his view. His site is about his favorite hobby miniatures. |
Micheline |
My friend and sister-in-law. She brought me to the Internet in the first place and has always been supportive about me learning more. My thanks are for this support and her help, whenever I need it! She has her own domain as well! |
Mieke |
Webmaster at one of my former empoyers, XS4ALL. She helped me with the logo. She herself makes websites professionally. |
Tijs & Babette |
Two of my former co-workers at NetlinQ who can do miracles with HTML, javascript and style sheets. I learned a great deal from them in the few months I worked for NetlinQ. For this I thank them with all my heart! Tijs has a great site about building websites, and Babette has a website about herself |
Peter Paul |
Another former co-worker who's site about Javascript really gave me insight to the whole concept. Check it out! |
Geertrude & Theo |
Geertrude's husband mailed me the sollution of the Netscape 6 error in the search engine on my site. Geertrude is a Usenet-friend who got this credit from her man. Her site is here. |
Thomas Brattli |
Thomas Brattli has made some excellent javascripts, of which I use a few on these pages. Visit him at: http://www.bratta.com. |