What's Old News - 1999

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What's New Archive 1999

Archives of 2000 can be found here

This is the archive of what once was new @ missgien.net. The year 1999 has ended and it's records are being archived, just like these: fortunately, you can still access them! ;-)

December 1999


I signed up for the B*I*T*C*H webring: BITCH stands for: Being In Total Control of Herself - I like to see myself like that.... Have a look at the webrings page

October 1999


It was bound to happen: I simply had to do a part on Arthur as well as on Camelot. So I have, finally.
In Arthur, I have dug in history to find the stories of Nennius and of Geoffrey de Monmouth to see which of the two might have to best view on Arthur, as far as I'm concerned.
Before I wrote Camelot I have looked for the best possible location of Camelot. See if you agree with me...

September 1999


I have been wanting to put The Mabinogion online for a long time. Now, you can read these marvelous welsh books here, on missgien.net


I checked my links and noticed some did not work, either because of removal of the page, or due to no accessability of the site. All links are okay again, now, except for the one with the special remark. I hope this one gets back online quite soon because this is a marvelous page.

July 1999


Recently the number of visitors has gone up, so I would like to give them a change to drop me a line: You can use my GuestBook. Please do!


Another new addition: Stonehenge!


It took me quite some time but finally it is ready: my page on the Celts.
And.... at last, I got to do my Merlin-part. I've been wanting to do a Merlinpage for a long time, but I could not really find an interesting angle. Until I realized that without Merlin no Arthurian Legend. So I started digging in my bookshelf and guess what came out?


Some minor updates in Links and About Me. I also removed the link to HelpB92 for the campagne has stopped.

May 1999


Added a link to FreeB92
Removed the article on the banning of B92, as this can be read at the HelpB92-site

April 1999


Uploaded fourth movie for my 'Legendary Figures in Movies'-section: Rob Roy: Robert MacGregor


Finished and uploaded the second and third movie for my 'Legendary Figures in Movies'-section: Braveheart - Sir William Wallace and Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves.
Made some layout changes on this page, as well.


As I have been busy with the HelpB92 campaign in helping out where and when I can, I did not have the time to update this site. However, today I removed the press release of March 24th, and replaced it with the one which was released on April 2: the day that the Sound of B92 was banned....

March 1999


Added the helpB92 press release of March 24th. B92 is an independent Serbian radio station which has been broadcasting through the Internet since 1996. It is crucial that they stay on air, now that war is going on in that region and everyone needs the know what is going on.


Made a link to HelpB92 and Radio B92 on the indexpage.


Added a new ring to webrings and updated the Links.


Added webrings and more Links.


Recreated the Round Reading Table to the Encyclopedia by merging essays into more complete sections of information. Added 'open in new window' at some 'Links' ;)


Made some adjustments to About Me and Morgaine. Updated links.


Created and uploaded Excalibur. It is the first part of my 'Legendary Figures in Movies'-section.


Created and uploaded About Me.


MISSGIEN.NET first came online!
I took parts from my other page and moved them here (Morgaine, Morrigan and the Round Reading Table). The Morrigan page was slightly modified. 'Movies' and 'Links' were newly created.

Move on to 2000