What's Old News - 2000

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The history of missgien.net (part 2)

What's New Archive 2000

Archives of 1999 can be found here

December 2000


Added Noah's Ark in the movies-section. Great miniseries based on the biblical story of Noah.


Slight changes in About me because of some future plans...


My new lay-out has been online for a month and a half, but I am not to pleased with the result. So, no new additions in the coming weeks. Another restyle is on it's way...

November 2000


Christmas is coming up and as always I am very annoyed by all these excesses. Loudon Wainwright III wrote a song about that: Suddenly it's christmas and I just couldn't resist.... Removed it on January 1, 2001

October 2000


Finally.... almost a month later than I hoped to be ready, the new lay-out of Missgien.net is done. See About this site to learn more about this make-over.

September 2000


Updated About Me for I started a new job.


Because I seemed to have some pictures on my site, which were copyright protected and the owner was not exactly friendly, I've decided to take the Malta Temples section temporarily offline until the update is complete (see below).


No new additions in the coming time as I am working very hard to reshape missgien.net. New lay-out, new colors and a few new articles. Hopefully it will get online end of September...

August 2000


Added some javascripts on all pages to simplify the changes in links and prefending spammers from stealing the emailaddress. All thanks to: The JavaScript Source

June 2000


Updated About Me as my life has changed somewhat. I also added a little joke with my photo on that page, learning to use JavaScript.


Checked and updated all the links at the linkpage.


After a long time of collecting information and sorting out what to use and what to discard, I finally finished a piece on the Neolithic Period and the great things people built in those days.
I also put the links of Malta, Stonehenge and the Neolithic Period together under 'Megalithic Buildings' at my linkpage.

May 2000


Today I added the myth of Magna Mater to the Temples pages.
And I alfabetized the indexpage, as the number of topic seems to grow and grow...


While I was adding Temple-links to the linkpage I realized it could use some re-arranging: you'll find it easier to get what you want.
My trip to Malta (see below) gave lots of inspiration for a site on the ancient temples that can be found on Malta and Gozo. Go, and explore...


The last week of April I spent a week's holiday in Malta. I have a great interest for megalithic buildings, as proven by my site on Stonehenge. Malta houses a great number of megalithic building and I saw three of them. You can see a photo report on this holiday. I intend to make an extended site about the temples at a later date.

March 2000


In the last few years there has been a change in the way people register dates. In stead of using AD (Anno Domino) or BC (Before Christ), the more neutral expression is: CE (Common Era) and BCE (Before Common Era). As I am not a christian, I have decided to replace BC and AD with BCE and CE on these pages.
Unfortunately there seems to be a problem with my guestbook: entries can no longer be made and old entries cannot be read. Therefore I have decided to remove the link to my guestbook until I have found a way to either access them again or find a replacement. Comments can be send my e-mail and will be placed in a special corner I will prepare for this in the near future.


Missgien.net has been online for a year today and almost 4000 times someone found it interesting enough to have a peek. Did you think so to, you might consider linking this page.
If you do so let me know, so I can return the favour!

February 2000


Some time ago a friend of mine said that my Encyclopedia was very interesting and useful, but not very tempting to read. So I tried to loosen it up a bit, added some graphics and made it easier to navigate. So, go and have a look.... and don't forget to tell me what you think by email of in the guestbook!

January 2000


After 'doing' Joan d'Arc, I returned to an old love: Merlin. The NBC miniseries took a while to get overseas, but finally it arrived in Europe.
A beautiful telling of this old wizzard with Sam Neill in the title role: Merlin!


When I saw the miniseries 'Joan d'Arc' recently, I instantly new that she was my next 'legendary figure in a movie'.
A great legend, a great story: Joan d'Arc!


What's New? Well: the year and the century are new. The MillenniuM, however, is not new: it is still the same 2nd millennium: the 3rd won't start until January 1, 2001: since when do we start counting at 0, eh? Never mind: I wish that my visitors all will get what they want in 2000. Be healthy!


What's New entries of 1999 can be found in the archives